Nansalma – a Kazakh pasta meal with chicken meat
Info Shymkent cooked a delicious Kazakh meal again – this time we made Nansalma.
Nansalma – is a traditional Kazakh meal. What does mean Nansalma? From Kazakh language the direct translation of Nansalma means Putting Bread (Nan is Bread, salu – to put something).
Ingredients you need to make Shymkent’s Nansalma:
- 200 grams chicken meat
- 250 grams ribbon pasta (e.g Tagliatelle)
- 150 grams white cabbage
- 4 potatoes
- 2 carrots
- 2 onions
- 1 big tomato
- 4 eating spoons sunflower oil
- 3 eating spoons tomato puree
- salt
- spices (e.g. pepper, garlic)
- dill

At first you have to clean und cut the potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage and tomato into cubes to cook Nansalma.
Heat up a pot and cover the bottom of the pot with sunflower oil. Then you can start to put onions into the pod. Wait till the onions get a golden color.
Now it’s the time to put the meat into the pot. Around 2 minutes later you can put carrots into the pot. According to your taste add salt to the meal. 2 minutes after the carrots you can put the potatoes into the pot. Cover the pot with a lid but don’t forget to stir the meal.

During cooking of Nansalma you can add spices (e.g. a breeze of pepper and garlic powder) according to your taste.
Four minutes after covering the meal with a lid you can add the tomato pieces into the meal and stir again.

Add three eating spoons of tomato puree and add water to the meal till the moment that you see the water between the ingredients (don’t cover!).
Take another pot and boil hot water in it. Then put the ribbon pasta in it and add salt. Cook the pasta for around 8 – 10 minutes in the hot salt water.

Cook the meal around 30 minutes and don’t forget to stir. Stop heating and then wait another 5 minutes that the meal can rest a little bit.
Finally you can put Nansalma with the pasta on a plate, decorate it with dill a bit and enjoy it with three other persons.

Bon Appetit or in Kazakh: Ас болсын! (As bolsyn!)
You want to try other Kazakh or international meals. Have a look in our Cooking category.