Stuffed Peppers
Info Shymkent cooked again – this time we made delicious Stuffed Peppers.
Ingredients you need to make Stuffed Peppers (4 Persons):
- 8 Green, red or yellow bells peppers
- 400 grams ground beef
- 400 grams Jasmine rice
- 1 egg
- 2 medium-sized onions
- 1 garlic clove
- 1/2 tea spoon salt
- 1 tea spoon black pepper
- 1 table spoon sunflower oil
- Some chive
Bell peppers Ground Beef Medium-Sized Onions
Prepare the bell peppers for stuffing. Cut the green top of the fruit and remove the seed and and membranes inside of the Bell peppers.
If the peppers are to hard and strong – give the bell peppers for 10 minutes a bath in warm – not hot water.

Also put the Jasmine rice for 5 minutes into cold water to wash it.
Cut the two medium-sized onions into cube slices. Also cut the garlic glove into small pieces.
The Blending process for the stuff can start. Put the Beef and the sliced onions together. Add a Egg. Put the salt and the black pepper. Mix it!
After mixing you can add the Jasmine rice and mix it again.
Beef & Sliced Onions Adding Egg Adding Jasmine rice

We finished the “Stuff” now. So it’s time to stuff the Bell Peppers. You can do it with spoon or by hand. Try to fill the whole inside of the fruit. But take care and fill it not to much to the top – otherwise stuff went out or the bell pepper is bursting during cooking.

Put the stuffed peppers into cooking water. Add sunflower oil into the water. Cover the pot with a cap.
Now you have to wait: Cook the stuffed peppers for 50 minutes and give them a rest (without cooking) for 10 minutes.

Finally you can put the cooked and filled bell peppers into a deep dish and add a bit of the soup to it. Make it a bit more beautiful and add some sliced chive to the meal.
Info Shymkent hope your dish turned out well and says “Bon Appetit!”. Stay tuned for our next Cooking article.
More information’s about the meal: