Happy Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s Day to every loving couple. You know that it is also a birthday of the famous Turco-Mongol King? Guess who!
Today is not only Valentine’s Day, but it’s also the Birthday of the King Babur (14th February 1483 – 26th December 1530). He is a great-great grandson of the founder of the Timurid Empire Amir Timur.

(Image: Unknown Author)
Babur is the founder of the Mughal Empire in India. His dynasty ruled till the middle of the 19th century and supported growing of science, fine arts & architecture in India. So his four-greats grandchild Shah Jahan (5th January 1592 – 22th January 1666) built for his loved wife Mumtaz Mahal one of the new 7th world wonders – the famous Mausoleum Taj Mahal. A masterpiece of Islamic Art and Architecture.
Happy Valentine’s Day to every couple in Love! Enjoy the Day!
Read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babur